MSAT - Metis Settlement Appeal Tribunal


Hearing Procedure

The Appeal Tribunal hearings provide a fair, effective, and culturally appropriate way to resolve disputes.

A panel of the Tribunal hears evidence and arguments from all of the people involved in the dispute. The hearing is usually public and is often held on the Settlement. However, if the appellant requests a different venue, the panel chair may order that the hearing take place in that venue.

The Tribunal considers the evidence, arguments, relevant laws, regulations, policies, and by-laws and makes a written, binding decision after the hearing is over. The panel makes all efforts to come to a decision as quickly as possible.

In its decision the Tribunal may:

  • refer the matter back to the Settlement Council;
  • make, amend, or repeal a Settlement Council decision or Settlement by-law;
  • ask for, conduct, or supervise votes by secret ballot at public meetings and/or make rules for how that vote or meeting is conducted;
  • direct the Registrar of the Metis Settlements Land Registry to correct an error, omission, or discrepancy in that registry; or
  • come up with some other fair and appropriate solution.

The Big Picture Diagram PDF Logo
The Big Picture Diagram gives parties a general understanding as to how the appeal process may proceed. The timeframes given are estimates only and often vary from case-to-case, unless governed by legislation. For the full Rules of Procedures please refer to the “Publications” section.