Application to the Land Access Panel for Right of Entry Order

Please use the submit button at the bottom of the form to print this form once you have entered in all your information

(*) indicates required field View explanatory note

Applicant Information
*Name / Company Name:
*Address 1:
Address 2:
*Postal Code:
*Contact Person:

Authorized Project

You must be an operator who is authorized or permitted to engage in an authorized project as defined in section 111 of the Metis Settlements Act, RSA 2004, to apply to LAP. If so, please attach authorization documents.

Development Plans
*Are there any Settlement Development Plans in effect for the parcels described this application?
Metis Settlements Land Protection Act
*Do you have consents of the Settlement Council and Metis Settlements General Council required under section 7 of the Metis Settlements Land Protection Act?


Occupant means a settlement council, the person in actual possession of a parcel of patented land, and a person having a right or interest in patented land that is registered in the Metis Settlements Land Registry (see s. 111(h), Metis Settlements Act, RSA 2004).

Notice & Consents
*Have the occupants been served with notice and consent forms concerning this application?

If occupants have refused to consent, describe attempts that have been made to obtain their consent.

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Purpose of Application (Please check appropriate box)
 Well site    Production facility    Transmission line    Access road    Pipeline  Other
Land Description(s)
(example: NW-00-000-00-W0M)
Purpose of Application (Please check appropriate box)
I certify the information on this application is true and undertake to comply with all applicable legislation, Metis Settlements General Council policies, Settlement bylaws, and development or land use plans.

Name of Signatory

Print, sign, attach required documents, and mail original to the following:

9th Floor, Forestry Building
9920 - 108 Street
Edmonton, AB T5K 2M4

Phone: 1-800-661-8864 or 780-422-1541
Fax: 780-422-0019